EWRB Data Request Form

To confirm the name of your electricity distributor, please verify on your most recent bill.

  • Property Owner Information

    This section is about the person/company that owns the property for which energy consumption data is requested.
  • Data Requester Information

    This section is about the person requesting energy consumption data. If you designate a third party to submit your request please ensure you provide a letter of authorization with the completed form. We may need to follow up with a building owner in the event that any information in the request form is unclear, missing, or to validate third-party representatives who request information on behalf of a building owner. If you are requesting consumption for a single metered building that is tenant occupied, you will require an authorization letter from the tenant to allow the utility to provide the data.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 2 MB.
    • Building/Property Information

      This section is about the building / property for which energy consumption data is requested.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.