Long Lake Area Project (Completed)

Line Relocation Capital Build Project

UPDATE: Completed November 2022

Greater Sudbury Hydro is committed to continually modernizing and upgrading the local distribution system to better serve you, our customer.

You may notice our crews in your neighborhood as we resume working to remove a very old, difficult-to-access pole line which runs through the bush, and make some other necessary changes and upgrades along Sunnyside Road working toward Pearson Drive then finishing at Edgewater Road. We anticipate project completion by the end of August.

There may be some traffic disruptions due to the construction, some heavy truck traffic in the area, and possible noise and dust due to rock drilling which may be necessary to place new poles.

Work will be conducted during regular daytime construction hours on weekdays only. There will be some minor power interruptions, however they will be clustered to minimize the inconvenience, and you will receive advance notice. Any damage to your yard from to this work will be restored as soon as is reasonably practicable.

We ask that you stay away from the construction areas, and keep children and pets away as well. Heavy equipment is dangerous; NEVER assume operators can see you!

This project will improve the system reliability as we replace aging infrastructure and reduce the likelihood of unplanned outages by removing the old power line currently running through the forest. In the event of a future unplanned outage, the improvements will allow for easier, faster, and safer access to the power lines, resulting in quicker restoration times.

This was a significant project with a budget of approximately $600,000. It was delayed due to COVID but is now complete.

We have a diagram of the project’s phases available below, showing the areas in which this work will be happening. If you wish to comment on the project please use the form below for your questions and/or feedback.

All comments will be reviewed, and referred to the appropriate person.
If a response is required, you will be contacted directly.

Kind regards—

Engineering Department
Greater Sudbury Hydro


Project Timeline

Due to COVID-19 work restrictions, this project was split into two parts. The Long Lake Road portion is complete.

The Sunnyside, Pearson and Edgewater portions will be completed Summer 2022.


Phase 1

Moving a 3-phase line from East side of Long Lake Road to West side.


Phase 2

Rebuilding the pole line along Sunnyside Road, adding a 3-phase line, and connecting to existing 3-phase line at the Luoma/Sunnyside intersection.

Phase 3

Removing 3-phase line and changing to single-phase, maintaining most of the existing pole line along both Edgewater Road and Pearson Road.

Phase 4

Removing old pole line which runs through bush from Edgewater to Long Lake Road.

Updated Map of Project

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