Green Button is a new standardized way to download or connect energy-usage data to provide more choice in how energy consumers can access and analyze energy data with the goal of better tracking energy use, reducing their bills and saving money.
Green Button Download My Data (DMD) enables electricity users to download their usage data from a third-party energy service provider’s website in an industry-standard data format.
Connect My Data (CMD) will allow electricity customers to authorize the secure and direct transfer of energy usage data to third party service providers that can assist them with managing their energy usage.
Green Button DMD and CMD can help you:
- Better understand your energy usage
- Choose which electricity price plan works best for your home or business
- Track and analyze your energy use so that you can conserve or shift your usage
- Make informed decisions about energy efficiency upgrades
Watch this short video to see how it works!
Green Button Download My Data (DMD)
Electricity usage data can be downloaded directly from the Greater Sudbury Hydro’s Green Button Portal. Enter the required account information to validate that you are the account owner (please have a recent bill handy). Select the DMD tab, select the data you would like to download. A file containing your selected data will download in an industry standard format which can then be shared with a third-party provider or uploaded to the Green Button app to view.
Please note: The downloaded XML files are designed to be read and analyzed by computer applications, not humans.
Green Button Connect My Data (CMD)
Green Button Connect My Data (CMD) is a way for electricity consumers to securely authorize the sharing of energy data to registered third-party providers. With CMD, electricity consumers can gain ongoing additional insights into managing and conserving electricity consumption by sharing their data with energy-efficiency applications, clean energy companies, analytics firms, and others who can view and analyze the data.
To initiate CMD (data sharing), visit the third-party vendor’s website of your choice. Once there, go to the authorized third-party vendor’s Green Button registration web page and complete the data sharing authorization request form. Next, you will be redirected to Greater Sudbury Hydro’s Green Button portal to authenticate, verify the data sharing information, review the terms and conditions, and authorize data sharing. Greater Sudbury Hydro will then exchange a security token with the authorized third-party vendor which will allow secure, automated data sharing.
Please note: We currently have no registered third-party vendors.
Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find more information on Green Button data?
Ontario Energy Board – Green Button Ontario Newsroom Green Button Alliance (GBA)Third Parties who wish to be registered and onboarded onto the Green Button Platform to be showcased as an available application in our Green Button marketplace will be required to submit a registration form. Agreement to the Terms & Conditions to initiate the approval process is required. Once submitted, our team will be in touch with the next steps. We look forward to connecting customers with what you have to offer!